Thursday, June 12, 2014

Containers, Expressions and Interpretations

Tucker takes time to smell the flowers!

It's planting season and I took the opportunity to apply some of what I learned from Twyla Tharp to gardening.  Here are my empty window boxes and front door container.  This is what I consider my blank canvas or white room:

Now, Twyla style, it's time to do some scratching!  So I went through Charlestown, Boston and the North End to see what's out there and took photos of window boxes and containers I liked.  Purple, yellow and red are popular this year.  It was interesting to see how different people incorporated color and plants to express their creativity.

Planters I liked:

Scratching inspired me and I wanted to find plants for my windows.  I went to Mahoney's Garden Center to find fun varieties in great colors knowing that I would enjoy watching them grow.

I brought them home and created. They aren't as vibrant as the ones I saw through my walks around town but as they grow, I know they will bring me joy!  Here is my finished product:

Window Boxes - Front
Window Boxes - Front

 "You can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have."  Maya Angelou

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